As you all know, BBC has made a documentary on Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, named "India - The Modi Question", after which BBC is facing a lot of opposition. Now in this episode, the Union Law Minister of India, Kiren Rijiju tweeted on Tuesday, 24 January 2023 and wrote that for some people, the white rulers are still their owners, whose decision regarding India is final..... not decision of the Supreme Court of India or the will of the people of India."
India's image tarnished by unfortunate campaigns: Kiren Rijiju
Let us tell you that Union Minister Kiren Rijiju did this tweet while tagging his first sweet made about the minority community of the country. In his minority tweet, Kiren Rijiju wrote, "Minority or rather every community in India is moving forward positively. India's image cannot be tarnished by unfortunate campaigns inside or outside India, Narendra Modi ji's voice is the voice of 140 crore Indians.
Even before this, Kiren Rijiju had made a tweet on January 22, 2023, in which he wrote, "Some people in India have still not got away from colonial intoxication. They consider BBC above the Supreme Court of India and their To please the bosses, they lower the dignity and image of the country to any extent.
Minorities, or for that matter every community in India is moving ahead positively. India's image cannot be disgraced by malicious campaigns launched inside or outside India. PM @narendramodi Ji's voice is the voice of 1.4 billion Indians.
— Kiren Rijiju (@KirenRijiju) January 21, 2023
In this documentary, an attempt is made to call the Prime Minister anti-Islamic:
For your information, let us tell you that in this documentary made by BBC, an attempt has been made to describe the Prime Minister of India as anti-Islamic, so that the image of India and the Prime Minister of India can be tarnished at the international level. This documentary has been made by the BBC in two parts, in which the BBC has also raised questions regarding the alleged controversial policies of the Modi government towards the Muslims of the country, the abolition of the special status of Kashmir and the citizenship law. However, the Indian government has taken strict steps regarding this BBC documentary, after which the links of this documentary have been removed from the social media site. According to a media report, more than 50 tweets of this documentary on Twitter have been removed with YouTube link.
Britain's Prime Minister opposes Rishi Sunak documentary:
On the other hand, if we talk about the British government, the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak had clearly said in the British Parliament that, "He does not agree with the portrayal of his Indian counterpart in this documentary." At the same time, many other departments of Britain have opposed this propaganda documentary of BBC and have shown their support towards Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
What to do with the saplings of your country:
Although Prime Minister Narendra Modi is getting support from other countries, but there are some snakes in our own country who are not happy with the strictness of the Indian government regarding this documentary. If we talk about TMC, then the leader of this party, Mahua Moitra, objected to this and tweeted that, "The government is working on a war footing to ensure that no BBC show is aired in India." It is a shame that the emperors and courtiers of the world's largest democracy are so insecure.
JDU leader KC Tyagi also against the government:
On the other hand, Janata Dal United leader KC Tyagi has also opposed the strict action taken by the government in this matter. Now it is difficult to say that if these people are satisfied with the false documentary of BBC instead of being satisfied with the decision of their country's government and the Supreme Court, then there is only one reason behind this, the power and the country together with anti-national forces. Weakening the new. Be that as it may, 140 crore people of the country trust the pride of India, Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi and support the decision given by the Supreme Court on the basis of its constitution..... in which Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Declared innocent. The people of India do not trust any paid media like Aire Gare Nathu Khaire BBC.
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